User Acceptance Testing Services for Clinical Trials

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) seamlessly executed by unbiased, independent experts. Streamline this necessary but challenging and resource-intensive milestone on the path to first patient in.


Keep your study on track and on budget

We’ve honed our technical expertise over 15 years and 2,000+ clinical trials (eCOA/ePRO/EDC). Studion can help you avoid delays, meet regulatory rigor, minimize software amendments, and reduce strain on internal teams.

UAT Services

We offer a full-service User Acceptance Testing solution. Contact us to customize a plan to fit your needs.

  • UAT Strategy Planning

  • Test Plan

  • Test Scripts

  • Training

  • End-to-end UAT Execution

  • UAT Issue Management

  • Test Report

  • Test Summary

  • UAT Close Out

How we deliver results

Our dedicated team takes a holistic approach to provide unparalleled ease and efficiency and ensure your system meets the needs of the study protocol.

UAT Review Icon

Objective Review

  • Independent 3rd party review removes any conflict of interest

  • Fresh perspective and experience to identify potential designs that may impact patient engagement.

Services - Study Enablement

Collaborative & Adaptable Approach

  • Understand your needs and goals when shaping a comprehensive UAT plan

  • Update and adapt test scripts as needed

  • Ongoing support throughout the testing process

Services - Flexible Bench

Clearly Defined Process

  • Define the UAT process and protocols at the beginning

  • Maximize efficiency by foreseeing obstacles

  • Identify key design gaps as early as possible

  • Ensure interoperability of systems representing the end user experience

Services - Technical Risk Mitigation

Regulatory Compliance

  • Strict adherence to guidelines and key protocol requirements

  • Deep knowledge of regulatory requirements

  • Prioritize data security

Our experience

Experience - Trials



Clinical Trials

Experience - Therapeutic Areas



Therapeutic Areas

Experience - Platforms




Experience - Years




Let us ease the burden of UAT for you

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  • Contact Us
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  • Data Privacy
  • Cookie Policy
  • GDPR Policy

USA 1374 Massachusetts Ave. Floor 5 Cambridge, MA 02138 CROATIA Poljička cesta 43 21000 Split, Croatia